Parents & Caregivers: Give Yourself Permission to Recharge
Life often feels like a deluge of tasks and responsibilities, akin to drinking from a fire hose with no shutoff valve in sight. In the hustle of daily life, we often forget an essential tool to recharge the spirit and the impetus to become our best selves: Self-care.
Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in work, projects, busy schedules, carting kiddos to sports events, etc., that we sometimes neglect the one person who is holding it all together: You!
Why is it that creating our own space seems to take a backseat at times? As we forge forward to help others, our own physical and mental health may be at risk of deterioration. Do you know anyone who missed lunch because they were "too busy" with work? Not taking a break influences a person's ability to be optimally productive. The Harvard Business Review published an article stating, "Several studies indicate that performance nose-dives when we work for extended periods of time without a break." That's a big deal!
The psychological concept “locus of control", developed by Julian B. Rotter in 1954, summarized that there is a degree of which someone believes that either their lives are driven by external forces (external locus of control), or by their own volition or willingness to control their lives (internal locus of control). This circles back to the idea of what we think we can control in our lives and what is out of our control.
Have you heard the familiar refrain, "I just don't have the time to do it!"? Here's the thing: It's not about having time. LIFE HACK: It's about making the time. Proactively plan for the things that fulfill your purpose or bring you joy. Otherwise, it may never happen.
Let's take a step back and reflect on our self-awareness. We all have our reasons for doing what we do. What matters is staying focused on the present and planning ahead! So, here's a friendly exercise to try for your well-being. First, ask yourself what gives you energy and joy, and what your go-to activity for a reset is. Then, chat about it with your support network—friends, family, boss. It's all about letting them in and helping them understand what charges your batteries.
Here's the thing. From the outside perspective, it might look like you're just treating yourself to a spa day, taking a nap, or kicking back with your latest TV obsession. In reality, you are doing the vital work of keeping your spark alive so you can be your best self. It's all about figuring out what you need, going after it, and feeling like a rockstar. And don't forget, it's just as important to clue in your support network so they can root for you along the way.
Recognizing Signs of Burnout
Burnout sneaks up on us. Feeling fatigued at work, having trouble concentrating, chronic stress, being consistently late, or lacking motivation might be signs that self-care needs attention pronto. For example, chronic stress can lead to burnout. It manifests as physical or emotional exhaustion, and sometimes both. This isn't some obscure theory - it's proven science. Taking care of ourselves becomes even more critical in environments like the workplace or caring for your family.
Role of Sleep in Mental Health
Quality sleep can do wonders for your mood and outlook. Studies reveal that most adults need 7 to 9 hours per night.
I have friends who function on a few hours of sleep. Their superhuman routine defies logic and remains a mystery to me. I recently tracked my sleep through one of my sleep apps and noticed that even though I was in bed for 7 hours, I woke up several times during the night and only received about 45 minutes of deep sleep. I wondered why I was feeling exhausted during the day. Information is power, and having this data enabled me to make necessary adjustments. Knowing your optimal circadian rhythms can be essential to adjust your night sleep strategy to provide optimal energy during the day.
Listen, I recognized that I need 6-8 hours of sleep every night to perform optimally. Otherwise, I am unfocused and far less productive. A proverbial zombie. When my son was born, he didn't sleep for nearly 18 months. We got through it with a helpful support system, mindfulness, and lots of coffee!
Lack of adequate sleep impacts everything from anxiety levels to managing daily stresses and even job satisfaction. Only you know best how much sleep is optimal for you, so ensure your self-care strategies include time for quality slumber.
Choosing Effective Ways to Relax
Finding relaxation methods that fit into your lifestyle can make all the difference. You may adore yoga, but if you don't schedule it into your routine, it won't help your relaxation plan.
Sacred Rest by Saundra Dalton-Smith, explores how restorative activities like meditation can improve physical and mental energy while reducing stress levels. The beauty of self-care is that what works will vary day-to-day based on your needs at any moment or where you are in your life. One day, you might need an intense workout session for some stress relief; another day, a crossword puzzle participation may be just what you need. Remember, its all about self-awareness.
Aim to reduce stress through various health behavior changes that make sense to you: eat healthy meals, engage in physical activity regularly, pray, or practice mindfulness exercises such as meditation or deep breathing techniques.
Energy Management for Physical Health
Discussion on the importance of managing energy effectively to maintain good physical health. Maintaining physical well-being requires good eating habits, regular exercise, and sufficient rest. If you're struggling with these issues, consider reading Tony Schwartz’s book on energy management. It offers valuable insights into improving vitality through simple yet impactful lifestyle changes. Incorporating mindful strategies like these reduces stress and boosts our immunity – making us less prone to common illnesses that could disrupt our everyday lives. Remember: taking care of yourself isn't selfish. It's certainly not selfish to prioritize self-care; it can benefit those around you, too.
There's a science to self-care that goes beyond feel-good activities. Regular self-care practices can help maintain your mental and physical health, making you stronger in every aspect of life. To start, identify what relaxes and energizes you. Then, carve out time each day for those activities - exercise, meditation, reading a good book, or watching a football game with your buddy.
Life's a balancing act between work demands, family responsibilities, and personal goals. But remember the fuel that helps you recharge so you can be your best self: Self-care.
Some somethings are non-negotiable. And taking time for yourself, I believe, is one of them. It took me years to overcome this. So you are not alone. Engage your partner, parent, boss, or support system to discuss your needs and what enables you to be most productive.
The key is finding ways that work best for YOU because remember - there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when dealing with something as unique as yourself. Learning how to plan proactively and keep the lines of communication open are essential to creating the space to recharge.
Take a break to sip your cup of coffee in your favorite spot, plan a ladies' night, play golf, schedule a massage, plan a dinner date, go out with the guys, reconnect with old friends, plan a short vacation, and give yourself a break.
If you're feeling overwhelmed with work or daily life stress, remember it's okay—and necessary—to pause for some self-care time. Give yourself the permission to recharge.” It's not selfish. And hey. Who knew there was actual science behind taking 'me' time?